Donna Cooner, Author

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Donna Cooner is the acclaimed author of award-winning YA books, including Skinny, Can't Look Away, Worthy, and Screenshot.


“Told in alternating viewpoints, the novel raises numerous real issues in the lives of teenagers — popularity, dating and body image, family issues, socio-economic differences and their resulting tensions, personal aspirations, trust, and maintaining one’s online reputation. A timely and relevant read.”

— Kirkus Reviews



“Moves along at a compulsively readable pace … significant and important”

— School Library Journal

Colorado Book Award, Finalist

Quick Picks for Reluctant Readers, Young Adult Literary Services Association, American Library Association, 2019

Foreign Rights—France (Hatchette Romans)


“Cooner’s book addresses real issues in teens’ lives—Internet culture, online apps, communication, dating—in a way that is relatable.”


Foreign Rights—Russia (Ripol), Sweden, Norway, Finland (Stabenfelt)

Can't Look Away

“Sad, wise and true ... unforgettable”

— Melissa de la Cruz, New York Times bestselling author of Blue Bloods and Witches of East End

Quick Picks for Reluctant Readers, Young Adult Literary Services Association, American Library Association, 2015

Foreign Rights—UK (Egmont, UK)


“Deeply moving, totally addictive, utterly fabulous.”

— New York Times bestselling author LAUREN MYRACLE

American Library Association, Best Fiction for Young Adults

Colorado Book Award, Finalist

Book Expo America, Buzz Book

Young Adult Library Services Association, Teen Top Ten’s Finalist

International Reading Association, Young Adult Choices 2013

Bank Street College of Education, Best Children's Books of 2013

Coventry Book Awards, Short List

First Book Award Nominee, Edinburgh Literary Book Festival

Foreign Rights—UK (Egmont, UK), Russia (Ripol), Sweden, Norway, Finland (Stabenfelt)