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Donna Cooner was born and raised in Texas. She is a three time graduate of Texas A&M University. A former teacher and school administrator, she is currently a professor of education at Colorado State University.  She lives in Fort Collins, Colorado, with her husband, chocolate labs and a cat named Stu. She is the acclaimed author of Skinny, Can't Look Away, Worthy and Screenshot.



Donna Cooner was born and raised in Texas. She is a three time graduate of Texas A&M University. A former teacher and school administrator, she is currently a professor of education at Colorado State University.  She lives in Fort Collins, Colorado, with her husband, chocolate labs and a cat named Stu.

Donna is the author of over twenty picture books and has also written children's television shows for PBS.  Donna’s debut novel, SKINNY, was named an ALA's Best Young Adult Fiction Award, BEA's Young Adult Buzz Book, and a Bankstreet College's Best Children's Book of the Year. Her book, CAN'T LOOK AWAY, was a Teen Choice Nominee and an ALA Top Pick for Reluctant Readers. The Texas Library Association selected Donna as a 2017 Spirit of Texas High School Featured Author (CAN’T LOOK AWAY) and as a 2014 Spirit of Texas High School Featured Author (SKINNY). Her books have been translated into Norwegian, Swedish, Russian, and Finnish.