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An addictive new app is rating the couples at Linden's high school, and Linden and Alex could be the next couple on the list.



Download the app. Be the judge.

Everyone at Linden's high school is obsessed with Worthy. It's this new app that posts pictures of couples, and asks: Is the girl worthy of the guy? 

Suddenly, relationships implode as the votes climb and the comments get real ugly real fast. 

At first, Linden is focused on other things. Like cute Alex Rivera. Prom committee. Her writing. But soon she's intrigued by Worthy. Who's posting the pictures? Who's voting? And what will happen when the spotlight turns... on Linden?

Cooner’s book addresses real issues in teens’ lives—Internet culture, online apps, communication, dating—in a way that is relatable.

Buy Worthy: